List of exhibitions:
August 1993 -Group show, Mall Galleries, London.
January 1994 - Solo show, The Watershed, Bristol.
September 1994 - Group show The Gallery, Stoke Newington, London.
September 1995 - Group show, Derby Photo Festival.
October 1995 - Group show The National Portrait Gallery, John Kobal Portrait Award
November 1996 - Group Show, Royal Photographic Society, Bath.
1996- Group show, f-stop media station, Bath.
May 1996- Workshop Camerawork, London.
November 1996- Group show, The Photographers Gallery, London.
January 1998 -Group show, Shine Exhibition, The National Museum of Photography and Television,Bradford.
March 1999 -'Group Show, Ausstellungsraum Mezzanin, Vienna, Austria.
August 1999 - ' Group show,Manchester Art Gallery.
December 2000 - Group show, Forest Arts Gallery, Dorset.
B.A. Hons Photography.
M.A. Creative Media and Education..
Senior Lecturer at the Arts University Bournemouth.